Monday, October 24, 2016

Acupressure Point Linked with Stress and Pain Relief, and Other Health Benefits

Sometimes, modern medicine is not meant to do the trick. When all the pill bottles in the world can't solve your problem, where do you turn? Many practitioners of alternative medicine swear by acupressure as the be-all and end-all of health remedies. Among other spots on your body, the LV 3 point is noteworthy as a powerful multipurpose booster for all-around health.

Located near the metatarsal bones in your foot, LV 3 — also known as Tai Chong — stands for Liver 3 because of its connection to the liver meridian, which connects to numerous different parts of your body and helps affect your health in several ways. Here are a few examples of the way the LV 3 point can influence your body.

1. Stress relief
Modern Reflexology reports the LV 3 point can affect stress levels positively by increasing your concentration and clarity of thought. The point is also said to relieve fatigue.

2. Painkiller
WebMD indicates that LV 3 can be a great source of pain relief, as it is connected to the lower back. Explore IM adds that genital problems in general can also be lessened by stimulating LV 3, including but not limited to menstrual cramps. Lastly, it is also said to help with eye problems and headaches.

3. Digestion
According to Acupressure Wellness, LV 3 can help cure indigestion, upset stomachs, and even hangovers. By managing your metabolism through this point, you could also potentially find ways to slim down, the website suggests.

4. Antidepressant
WebMD says studies suggest LV 3 may also have to do with improvements with regards to depression and anxiety, possibly as a consequence of fewer instances of stress and insomnia.

5. Fight Parkinson's
This one is a little different, as it involves acupuncture as opposed to acupressure. The Northwest Parkinson's Foundation reports LV 3 has been historically used to fight tremors caused by Parkinson's disease.

In order to find your LV 3 point, locate, while barefoot, the area between your big toe and the adjacent one, then find the famous spot by moving two fingers' width downward. Explore IM says the point is located just near the protruding bone there, but not quite on it. Once you've found a slight depression in your foot, press down gently and massage the area. Do this in short intervals, a few times a day.

While you are free to experiment with gentle stimulation of the LV 3 and other acupressure points, it is recommended to exercise caution, as this form of medicine can have unforeseen consequences for your health. WebMD says to avoid the practice if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, or are pregnant, as these could cause complications; if you have heart disease or cancer consult your doctor before trying acupressure. As far as acupuncture is concerned, it is strongly recommended not to experiment with it yourself, as there is obviously a serious risk for injury. Only go to licensed professionals for assistance.

This article has been first published on

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